Reclaim the Streets

Reclaim the Streets
This weekend there is a national campaign titled "Reclaim the Streets" which is encouraging cyclists and pedestrians to take to the streets as part of the wider "No Going Back" message. This peaceful and "socially distant" action will provide a strong message that the town centre streets around the world are for all to enjoy , and residents would like the recent reduction in traffic use and improvement in air quality to continue post-Covid19.
I appreciate this is short notice but you are welcome to join other cyclists this Sunday from 11.00 onwards to cycle an easy 2 mile route around Leamington Spa centre. 
WHERE -  Royal Pump Room Gardens Bandstand, Leamington
I have attached a planned route , and will also have some printed copies with me on the day.
I am not anticipating too many due to the short notice and limited publicity , but this is probably no bad thing as it is important this cause does not attract negative publicity. I would suggest therefore that arrival times at the bandstand and departure times for the route are staggered. If we are cycling at no less than 10 second intervals , for example, this will still indicate the demand and interest in cycling , but with no risk of accusations of breaking current lock-down rules. There will be no signing in or indemnity insurance on the day, and technically this is not an organised event, so the usual "do so at their own risk etc" applies.
If you can bring any flags or hi -vis jackets then great , although I will also have some spare with me.
Please feel free to cycle the route as many times as you wish ; until either tiredness or boredom kicks in ?. I may even have a prize for most laps (Major Tom style)
Warwickshire County Council are preparing proposals for wider paths, dedicated cycle lanes etc in Leamington following both the Air Quality level breaches and also the £250m funding announcement from the Sec.of State for Transport earlier in the week and therefore organising this event for this weekend is timely , and helps reinforce the message that improvements to the cycling infrastructure can not come soon enough.
Hope to see as many of you there as possible.  Forecast is good. Meeting afterwards will be tricky due to limiting numbers mingling , but there will be coffee take away outlets nearby for a quick post-event chat (keeping groups to no more than 3?)  Any questions please reply to this email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or pls feel free to text me on 07977279002.

Event Details

Event Date Sun 17 May 2020 11:00 am
Location Bandstand Leamington
Categories XRWD Action
Attachment Route.pdf